Why do I work as a coach and a therapist?

Combining the therapeutic benefits of counselling with the more solution focused approach of coaching allows my clients to work on specific, future related goals within a safe environment. Should any emotional issues come up we can work through them using counselling whilst maintaining focus on the goals in hand.


I completed 5 years of study in Psychology at Birkbeck College to Diploma level in 2009 and gained an MSc in Therapeutic Counselling in 2013. Having first studied NLP in 2005 I am a certified Coaching Practitioner and Time-Based Techniques Practitioner accredited by the American Board of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, the Contemporary International Academy of Neuro-Linguistic Programming and the International Network for Humanistic Neuro-Linguistic Psychology. I also acquired a Diploma in CBT in February 2019 after 2 years of study. Furthermore, I am able to use EMDR with regard to anxiety over presentations, public speaking, performance etc. I work with adults and young people looking for personal change, and I also work within business environments. Areas I concentrate on include decision-making, goal setting, learning skills, managing stress, motivation and self-esteem, and academic mentoring.

Areas that coaching can help with include:

Coaching for Personal Change

Many people come to coaching for relief from their own limitations. coaching attitudes and techniques can provide freedom from old habits, fears and limiting beliefs and give structure for new and empowering ways of being in the world. coaching offers more choice in the way you communicate, how you respond and how you feel. When you have more options you can make better decisions. If you have not been living the life you want, coaching offers you a path to new and satisfying alternatives.

Coaching for Young People

Young people can benefit from the same kind of support and techniques as adults whilst they have different needs and priorities, and therefore may require a different approach. coaching for young people works on the same principles as for adults though the focus can be arranged towards dealing with negative feelings about school, learning and themselves, with them I will explore learning techniques that are simple, effective and instant, and provide them with new tools and skills that will benefit them whenever they encounter new learning situations. coaching is excellent for dealing with revision and exam stress through working with simple on-the-spot techniques for relaxation, concentration and focus to help improve confidence, memory, recall skills and general performance. coaching can help young people overcome the effects of past negative experiences, fears and phobias. coaching can help young people with transitions such as changing schools or making choices. I have experience of working with young people within a mentoring, counselling, coaching role within educational institutions and possess a current enhanced CRB check. If you have a child with emotional/learning difficulties or poor learning and spelling strategies, who is willing to work with me, I can help them to overcome these problems.

Coaching for Business

Basic coaching skills that improve and enhance communication, rapport building and goal setting are all immediately applicable to the business world and have a proven positive effect on business performance. Specific skills for dealing with people who perceive the world differently from us will help improve relations with peers, bosses, customers, new prospects, and across cultural divides in multinational companies. Many leaders and consultants in businesses have turned to the creative and innovative aspects of coaching for inspiration in organisational development, total quality management, team building and strategic planning. Presentation skills and public speaking are an integral part of corporate life today. Coaching self-management techniques, emotional intelligence and goal setting are vital to effective speaking and peak performance. I also work using EMDR for those suffering from anxiety with public speaking, for further information please see my main website by following the link below.

I previously worked in the City and have over 20 years’ experience working as an Executive Personal Assistant and as such have sound experience of understanding and supporting Senior Businessmen. During this time I also trained and mentored many Junior Assistants.